Tutorial: Getting Started

Getting Started

How to Import

AniList-Node is a class based, asynchronous package, meaning the main class needed to be constructed and all of its methods are async.

For JavaScript, a simple require line and new class is perfect for the job.

const AniList = require("anilist-node");

const anilist = new AniList();

However with TypeScript installs, the class is exported under the name AniList and therefore should be imported as such. AniList-Node is a CommonJS package so depending on your configurations, you may need to import it differently.

// For projects using CommonJS modules
import AniList from "anilist-node"; 

// For projects using ES modules
import { AniList } from "anilist-node";

const anilist = new AniList();


For a few features such as checking favourites, a token needs to be added to AniList-Node during the class initialization.

For those without a token, head to Anilist's Developer Page and click "Create New Client". Note the client id. Then, copy paste this URL https://anilist.co/api/v2/oauth/authorize?client_id={clientID}&response_type=token, replacing the {clientID} with your client ID. It will ask you to log in and then provide you with the token to use. You will not need to generate a token more than once.

NOTE: Please store your token securely and privately! This gives access to your AniList account. It is your responsibility to maintain your token.

Once the token is accquired, then it can be added to the class as follows.

const settings = require('./settings.json'); //Or wherever your store your token.
const anilist = require('anilist-node');
const Anilist = new anilist(settings.token /* This being your token */);

How to Use

Every class, method, and property is found within the AniList class.

So if the program wanted to get the character information of Myne from Ascendance of a Bookworm, it would need to get data from the character method within the people class.

const AniList = require("anilist-node");

const anilist = new AniList();

// You can either use then...
anilist.people.character(126156).then(data => { console.log(data); });

// Or await it!
const data = await anilist.people.character(126156);

All of the methods to fetch data are the same way so please refer to the documentation on what methods are available and what data is returned in the objects.